Eclipse how to install reference libraries
Eclipse how to install reference libraries

eclipse how to install reference libraries

Therefore, we will discuss Selenium Eclipse subsequently.

eclipse how to install reference libraries

Similarly, Selenium WebDriver for Java also provides a set of jar files, which we need to include in the project to access and use the functionalities provided by Selenium WebDriver. As we know, all the Java libraries are bundled and provided as JARS(Java Archives), which can be included in a project and then the project can invoke the needed functions of various classes bundled in those jar files. Now to make use of any third-party libraries in a project, all of these IDEs provide their ways to integrate and use functionalities of those libraries in your project. Eclipse is one of the most used IDE by the java developers. As we know, a lot of IDEs exist in the market, which makes the life of a developer very easy by providing various features such as "Auto code completion", "Syntax Highlighting", "Debugging", etc.

Eclipse how to install reference libraries